Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Looking Back

  It's really bazar realizing how much has happened in less than 6 months. Sometimes I think about it and still can't wrap my head around it.


   Like today, looking through my dropbox and realizing these pictires I took of A were the morning of the fire.

   Then, looking at the info and seeing I took them about 1:30 that aftermoon, 45 minutes before we ran out of the house into the rain. We were just sitting in my room playing and watching tv like every other day and she was being so silly, the fire had probably started and I was just taking pictures of my silly little girl sticking out her tongue and smiling at one of our wedding pictures.

   Then, hours later, we thought everything was fine and we would be getting a new kitchen.

   The kids were playing in the bathtub at the hotel to get all the soot off from walking through the house to get clothes and things.

   We had no clue that at that moment the attic had caught again and it was burning through the house, spreading and taking hold before burning in full force enough cause an explosion and attract the neighbor's attention. That we were losing literally everything.

   We had no idea anything more had happened, yet I didn't sleep at all that night. I could feel something was off but didn't know what- I figured it was just my anxiety ridden brain trying to process it all. Now, I realize it was something more...